Evangelized Hearts Evangelize Naturally
Thinking back to when I was first saved, I remember the joy and the love that was impressed upon and within my heart by Christ. It was like none other that I had ever experienced before in my life. The goodness of God, His love, His mercy and all that He did for me on the cross was released supernaturally into the core of my existence. Christ in me was revealed and what He did for the human race was equally revealed in that moment. I couldn't help but tell people about Him! The reality of who He is and what He has done was just too much to hold back and keep for myself. Now granted, many salvation experiences are not the same, but I am wagering that for you when you first encountered love hanging on a tree you were the exact same way.
As you know we are going through a sermon series now that Pastor John is leading us through about evangelism. This past Sunday he mentioned that many of us are not active in our evangelism towards others. I have a question and some thoughts about this for you this week. First the question.
Are you filled with the love and joy of Christ that compels you to share with others, or anxiety and insecurity at the thought of having to share your faith with people?
Is it a get to or a have to? No blame, shame, or judgment here, just a question. If you answered to the latter rather than the former, I believe I have an important word for you today and that word is this: That is okay.
You are not alone. The last thing you want to do is put the cart before the horse and try to pump up evangelism tactics with people. Perhaps, have you considered that maybe this season that you are in is one of Holy Spirit seeking to re-evangelizing your own heart? I think for many of us God is wanting to restore us to what we experienced at first, the love and joy of our own salvation. The Apostle Paul tells us in II Corinthians 5 that the love of Christ compelled him to share the message of grace with the world. He also tells us in Colossians 2 that as we have received Jesus at first so continue to walk in Him.
See, we were never meant to leave the place of love and joy that Jesus first released into our lives through the Gospel of grace. Many of us do accidentally of course. We get distracted by side doctrines and religious legalisms and rituals that keep us busy but often distracted from the point of it all which is a relationship with Christ and the truth that sets us free. That we are saved, loved, family, forgiven, free, etc. from the start! The more that we remain inundated (as Paul tells us to be) in relationship with God and devotion to His truth the more that we will naturally experience the love and joy that once compelled us to reach the lost in the first place.
So, I want to encourage you today. If you are feeling burdened by the thought of evangelizing others, let God first re-evangelize you. Let Him re-ignite that same passion that started you off when you first met Him, not just so you can evangelize better, but for the sake of love. Realize that you are not saved by trying to get other people saved, rather you are saved and loved to such a degree that when you realize that you can’t help but want others to know as well. He left the 99 to find you. You are just as important as those He will bring into your life to share the gospel of grace with! He didn’t save you to be an evangelist. He saved you because He loves and desires you. In knowing and experiencing that, you will naturally want to share with others. Evangelism is a byproduct of your salvation not a prerequisite. It is a fruit of a relationship not the price tag to earn one. He comes first. Let Him give you a testimony to share as He revitalizes your inner life from within by His Spirit of Grace. If you allow Him to restore you to your first love, you won’t but be able to share who He is and what He has done for you as He leads you to others. He will lead you and guide you in this. Don’t beat yourself up, just rest in His sufficiency.
-- Pastor Shane