Word for Your Week, "He has Never Left You"


Hey Vineyard Fam,


During a time of seeking what the Lord would like to share with you all for the Word for the Week this week, my attention was drawn back to a word that was delivered by Pastor Al Hlinski during our Worship Service this past Sunday. It was such a specific, heartfelt, and impactful word that I felt strongly Abba wanted me to draw our attention back to it for us all as a congregation to soak in the message that He gave to Al for us. Take some time this week to soak it all in and just let our good and loving Papa reveal this and His love deeper to us than ever before.

God spoke through Al reminding us that His word for us is to look up.

He is more aware of us then we are of ourselves.

He always is working all things for our good.

We can trust in him, because he will never leave us or forsake us... NEVER!

He says, “I place my hand under your chin and lift up your head so you and I can look eye to eye at each other. For I am the glory and the lifter of your head.”

God loves you and He has never left you.

You have never been separated from Him.

He promised you in His word that He will never leave you or forsake you.

He will always be with you.

God loves you.

God does not want us to walk around with our heads down and not realizing that we are sons and daughters who have value and who are deeply loved. Let Abba lift your chin to see His smile and feel His joy. Let Him shower His tender affection and truth over you this week Church!

God bless.


-- Shane Tyus