Nothing, absolutely nothing can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.
You are in Christ, and in Him there is no separation from God or His great love for you. When God says that nothing can separate you from His love in Jesus, He really means nothing. That means that shame cannot separate you from His love, guilt cannot separate you from His love, depression cannot separate you from His love, and yes even sin cannot separate you from His love. You are plain stuck in Christ wedged between the love of the Father and the Spirit in the Son.
Be encouraged today, that though the enemy may rage against you with his lies and accuse you of your faults and mistakes, there is no hope for his advancement against you because you are forgiven and free in Christ! This is an unfair fight. You have the full advantage against the schemes of satan because you are a new creation who is more than a conqueror and has been given everything that Heaven has to offer in Jesus (Ephesians 1: 3; II Peter 1: 3-4).
Rest today in your constant connection with God and His great love for you! As you begin to practice this rest in God by trusting in His constant love and goodness towards you, you will begin to discover how truly forgiven and free you are in Christ and begin to live it more and more.
- Pastor Shane